function imLabel( labels, position, S, pvPairs ) % Improved method for labeling figure axes. % % USAGE % imLabel( labels, position, [S], [pvPairs] ) % % INPUTS % labels - cell array of strings, labels for display % position - 'left', 'right', 'bottom', or 'top' % S - [] rotation for top and bottom labels in [-90,90] % pvPairs - [] parameter / value list for text % % OUTPUTS % % EXAMPLE % load( 'images.mat' ); clf; cla; montage2( images(:,:,1:9) ); % imLabel( {'row1','row2','row3'}, 'left',[],{'FontSize',20} ); % imLabel( {'col1','col2','col3'}, 'bottom', -25, {'FontSize',20} ); % % See also MONTAGE2, TEXT2, TEXT % % Piotr's Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox Version 2.0 % Copyright 2014 Piotr Dollar. [] % Licensed under the Simplified BSD License [see external/bsd.txt] if( nargin<3 || isempty(S) ); S=0; end if( nargin<4 || isempty(pvPairs) ); pvPairs={}; end if( abs(S)>90 ); error( 'slant must be between -90 and 90'); end %%% set up for ydir reversed, xdir normal :) ys = ylim; nys=ys(2)-ys(1); xs = xlim; nxs=xs(2)-xs(1); if(strcmp(get(gca,'YDir'),'reverse')); ys=ys([2 1]); nys=-nys; end if(strcmp(get(gca,'XDir'),'reverse')); xs=xs([2 1]); nxs=-nxs; end %%% write labels nlabels = length( labels ); switch position case 'bottom' set(gca,'XTick',[]); %tick interfere if(abs(S)<=15) H='center'; V='top'; elseif( S>15 && S<50 ) H='right'; V='top'; elseif( S>=50 ) H='right'; V='middle'; elseif( S<-15 && S>-50 ) H='left'; V='top'; elseif( S<=-50 ) H='left'; V='middle'; end; txtAlign ={'VerticalAlignment',V,'HorizontalAlignment',H,'Rotation',S}; yloc = ys(1); for i=1:nlabels xloc = xs(1) + (2*i-1)/(2*nlabels)*nxs; text2( xloc,yloc,labels{i},txtAlign{:},pvPairs{:}); end; case 'top' title(''); %title interfere if(abs(S)<=15) H='center'; V='bottom'; elseif( S>15 && S<50 ) H='left'; V='bottom'; elseif( S>=50 ) H='left'; V='middle'; elseif( S<-15 && S>-50 ) H='right'; V='bottom'; elseif( S<=-50 ) H='right'; V='middle'; end; txtAlign ={'VerticalAlignment',V,'HorizontalAlignment',H,'Rotation',S}; txtAlign = [txtAlign, {'Rotation',S}]; %rotate yloc = ys(2) + nys/40; for i=1:nlabels xloc = xs(1) + (2*i-1)/(2*nlabels)*nxs; text2( xloc,yloc,labels{i},txtAlign{:},pvPairs{:}); end; case 'left' set(gca,'YTick',[]); %ticks interfere txtAlign ={'VerticalAlignment','middle','HorizontalAlignment','right'}; xloc = xs(1) - nxs/20; for i=1:nlabels yloc = ys(2) - (2*i-1)/(2*nlabels)*nys; text2( xloc,yloc,labels{i},txtAlign{:},pvPairs{:}); end; case 'right' colorbar off; % colorbar interferes txtAlign = {'VerticalAlignment','middle','HorizontalAlignment','left'}; xloc = xs(2) + nxs/20; for i=1:nlabels yloc = ys(2) - (2*i-1)/(2*nlabels)*nys; text2( xloc,yloc,labels{i},txtAlign{:},pvPairs{:}); end; otherwise error(['illegal position: ' position]); end